ossian (or oz) - he|him - 21bigender
transman / transmasc
& homosexual
infj - ♋︎♓︎♏︎ - 2w1old men give me gender envy

BYF: 18+
typical criteria, no bigots, proshippers, etc;
i'm into ffxiv, crpgs, various old animes™, men, various new animes, etc;

my autism powers r incalculable.....
my special interest is humanity (literally), i love character analysis & character design
i'm literally a robot. or a dragon. maybe both
i'm a man and not a man
learning 2 accept the silliness in my nature


- By commissioning me or purchasing a product of mine you agree to these terms, and that these terms are subject to change.
- These terms hold regardless of if the artwork is of a digital or physical nature.
- Please contact me on Twitter (@ozmanthus), through email ([email protected]), or Discord (DM me) if you have any concerns.
- Payment is in USD and sent through CashApp or Paypal, I have no other options at this moment.
- Payment is full price up front, this is non-negotiable and I will not do payment plans.
- If your commission needs to be done at a certain deadline, please tell me upon purchase.
- I am a fledgling freelancer and the time span of a commission can range broadly. I appreciate your patience and cooperation as I navigate this field for the first time.
- I hold the right to refuse and halt any commission at any stage for any reason, this will include refunds if necessary.
- If a design comm is intended for commercial use, let me know.

TERMS OF USE- I am the owner of the artwork but not the character, and have all rights to the individual piece, outside of commercial use.
- Reposting the individual artwork is allowed on art gallery sites and social media, as long as credit is given to @ozmanthus. (Twitter, Tumblr, Toyhouse, Deviantart, etc;)
- Do not under any circumstance sell this artwork for a profit. This includes NFTs, any blockchain and any minting process, it is strictly prohibited. They are for personal use.
- If you intend to re-sell or re-home an adoptable or a design, please contact me first for my confirmation. This is almost always a no.
- You must credit the individual artwork & design to me, you may not claim it as your own.
- Adopted designs are not up for adjustment. You may change, pronouns, clothing or accessories, but the rest must remain intact. This includes skin color, hair color, body design, and so on.
- Please let me know if you want a commission to remain private.

- Payments are in USD & through CashApp or Paypal. This may change in the future.
- Payment for designs is up front, I will begin work on your design when it is your turn and ask for full payment prior to starting. Upon request I will give you an estimate of your position.
- Payment for adoptables is up front and you will receive your rights to the design upon exchange as well as the full artwork.
- Refunds for design comms may be given at any point in the process up to completion, but I will gain all rights to the design and may keep or sell it again later.
- Refunds for adoptables are available for 24 hours after purchase, after such point they become non-refundable and are yours.
- Refunds are available if there has been no progress in a while, at a minimum time of one month since the start of your commission.
- No payment plans, I'm sorry.

- Major changes are allowed at the sketch stage of a design. This includes shaping, posing, facial expression, body weight, hair and clothing. Upon completion of the sketch stage, major changes are no longer allowed.
- Minor changes are allowed at the coloring stage. These include flat color changes, palette adjustments, and small inclusions or adjustments to design and texture, such as markings or filigree.
- Upon completion stage, fixes will be allowed in the form of missed details or small additions like tassels or other small clothing add-ons.
- Updates on the design process and your changes will be given as soon as they are made and a stage will not progress until done so.



Fullbody designs will range from $80 as a base price and rise by $5 based off complexity, this will be at my discretion! Clothing designs on preexisting characters run the same price.These commissions either involve the design of a whole character or an outfit design. Do not ask me to draw your oc in some armor that's already been designed I.E. armor from FFXIV, WoW, etc; that is not my service. I may accept using these as reference, but not as direct examples.Additional characters will run a double price, that means two full designs will cost around $160.An additional costume to the same design will cost an additional half price, meaning around $120.An additional form / transformation to the design can range from an additional half price to full price depending on complexity, or can exceed the price of the original design, depending on complexity.These are examples of my design style.